Other Business Expenses
Below are examples of items that can be considered other business expenses and are reimbursable subject to justification and approval:
- Accident insurance related to business travel
- Covered free of charge by University of Chicago Travel Accident Insurance Program. Refer to the Staff Benefits Summary Plan Description. Prior to the trip, call Risk Management regarding coverage for students and non-employees on University Business.
- Airport taxes, visa, passport or inoculation charges required for foreign travel
- Conference fees/professional development that directly relate to job requirements
- Field supplies and equipment
- Incidentals:
- Business phone calls
- Business office charges such as faxes, copies or mailing fees
- Currency conversion fees
- Stolen, Lost, or Damaged University Property
- Contact Risk Management. Large dollar items may be covered under insurance
- Transportation
- For each item, list date, amount, and starting point and destination
- The University will pay for the train tickets up to coach class
- Actual expenses for taxis, regular fare rideshares (e.g., Uber, Lyft), buses, tolls, parking, gas for rental cars, etc. including expenses incurred to ensure wheelchair accessible service for a rider
The University will reimburse individuals for non-travel business relate purchases up to $500. For more information, please review Policy 1201