The definition of “dependent” for University benefits and privileges. Programs for a healthy and productive workforce.
401 - Dependent Coverage
Section: U401
Date: January 1, 2010
To communicate the definition of “dependent” for University benefits and privileges.
Dependents of University staff employees may be eligible for medical and dental benefits, educational assistance, and other University benefits and privileges. Staff employees have a responsibility to inform the Benefits Office within thirty-one (31) days of any change in the status of their dependents which may affect their eligibility.
- This policy applies to benefits-eligible staff employees. For the purpose of determining eligibility for all University benefits, a “dependent” is defined as follows:
- spouse; and
- domestic partner, when a Statement of Domestic Partnership has been filed with and approved by the benefits Office; and
- child/children.
- For medical and dental benefits only, the term “child” is defined as:
- unmarried natural or adopted dependent son or daughter under age 26 of a staff employee, spouse of a staff employee, or domestic partner of a staff employee; and
- son or daughter over the age 26 who is dependent on a staff employee, spouse of a staff employee, or domestic partner of a staff employee for support due to mental or physical disability (providing that he/she was covered continuously by the plan prior to and beyond age 26.
- For the purposes of educational assistance and all other University benefits, the term “child” is defined as:
- unmarried natural or adopted son or daughter, stepson or stepdaughter, or the unmarried natural or adopted son or daughter of the domestic partner of a staff employee, or child for whom a staff employee is a legal guardian. In all cases, the child must be claimed as a dependent of the employee for federal income tax purposes.
- Parents, foster children, grandchildren, ex-spouses and ex-domestic partners are not dependents under this policy.
- In the event of a divorce or termination of domestic partnership (as certified by a Statement of Termination of Domestic Partnership), a staff employee’s ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner is eligible for continuation of medical and dental benefits for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
- In the event of a divorce or termination of domestic partnership, a staff employee’s ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner is no longer eligible for educational assistance benefits, library privileges, a recreational facilities pass, staff housing, and any other benefit afforded dependents of staff employees not expressly provided above.
Employees represented by a bargaining unit may be governed by the appropriate bargaining unit agreement.
402 - Counseling Service/Staff and Faculty Assistance Program
Section: U402
Date: July 16, 2004
To ensure a healthy and productive workforce.
The University has contracted with an Employee Assistance Program provider to assist employees, retirees, and their families with a variety of personal matters including drug and alcohol abuse, stress, emotional difficulties, bereavement, family/personal concerns, financial counseling, and job-related issues.
- An employee may utilize the Staff and Faculty Assistance Program (SFAP) in one of two ways:
- Self-referral: An employee may seek assistance on his/her own.
- Supervisory and/or management referral: A supervisor may recommend an employee’s participation when attendance, job performance or work habits are affected by personal matters.
- A department should consult with the Office of Employee/Labor Relations (E/LR) prior to making a supervisory referral when performance issues manifest, when drug or alcohol use are suspected or when a last-chance agreement is in place.
- A department may contact the Program to provide guidance and assistance to employees when a major event has affected a work unit (e.g., death of a coworker, departmental emergency, etc.)
Employees represented by a bargaining unit may be governed by the appropriate bargaining unit agreement.