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Policy 2708: Managing University Records

Subject Area: Miscellaneous
Responsible Office: The Office of Legal Counsel
Sponsor: Vice President and General Counsel
Originally Issued: June 2009
Revised: January 2020
Refer Questions To: The Office of Legal Counsel

Purpose: This policy sets forth a general framework for meeting the University’s obligations to review, retain, and destroy University records consistent with laws, regulations, and internal University recordkeeping objectives that may change from time to time. This policy is intended to supplement rather than supersede the current document retention and destruction policies of any academic or administrative department of the University. Please contact the Office of Legal Counsel if any such existing policies conflict with the guidance in this policy.

Applicability: This policy applies to all academic and administrative departments of the University and all University employees having a responsibility to maintain or destroy University records.

Scope: This policy applies to all University records, which means any documents generated, received, or maintained in connection with any operations of the University. Typically, personal documents (including e-mails) of non-employees subject to the University’s Eligibility and Acceptable Use Policy are not considered to be University records. For guidance on electronic discovery, see Financial Policy No. 2709, Electronic University Records Relevant to Pending or Anticipated Litigation.


This policy sets forth general categories of University records and provides general retention guidelines for each category. Notwithstanding these general guidelines, each academic and administrative department is responsible for: (i) identifying all laws and regulations that apply to its own recordkeeping; (ii) notifying the Office of Legal Counsel of all such laws and regulations and recommending revisions or additions to these requirements as appropriate; (iii) monitoring its own compliance; (iv) destroying documents in an appropriately secure and effective manner; and (v) documenting compliance with this policy, particularly with respect to the storage and destruction of University records.

For guidance on the storage of credit card cardholder data, the University departments and employees should refer to Policy 1510, Accepting and Processing Credit Cards for University Business. Cardholder data includes the primary account number (PAN), cardholder name, service code, and expiration date. Under Policy 1510, cardholder data may not be stored in any paper or electronic format. In addition, units are required to regularly (or at least quarterly) review paper and electronic records for cardholder data and securely shred or otherwise permanently delete any cardholder data located during such investigations. The Merchant Service Oversight Committee (MSOC) will also conduct quarterly audits of compliance with cardholder data storage policies.

Revisions or additions to the following requirements will be made by the Office of Legal Counsel in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and the Assistant Vice President for Risk Management and Resilience Planning.

Except in unusual situations approved by the Office of Legal Counsel in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and the Assistant Vice President for Risk Management and Reslielence Planning, the costs of reviewing, retaining, and destroying University records pursuant to this Policy will be borne by the academic or administrative department that maintains the records at issue.

Employees who knowingly fail to comply with this Policy or any other departmental document retention and destruction policy may be subject to discipline.

Academic Program Records


Accreditation and licensing



Catalogs and course descriptions



Dissertations and terminal Master’s theses (undergraduate theses included only if prize-winning)



Degrees awarded





Accounting, Banking, Budget, Finance, and Tax Records


Annual audits, financial statements, related workpapers



Banking: accounts payable, accounts receivable, fund transfers, 1099 forms, deposit slips, check registers, electronic fund transfer records

7 years


Bank statements and reconciliations

3 years


Bond financing

7 years after payment in full


Budget reports




7 years


Cash and credit card receipts, petty cash vouchers

3 years


Credit card cardholder data

Departments and employees are prohibited from storing cardholder data in any format (see Policy 1510)


Depreciation schedules



General Ledgers




7 years


Investment and endowment records



Journal entries

7 years


Purchasing and procurement

10 years after completion


Quarterly financial management reports

3 years


Student accounts receivable



University tax returns, information returns, applications for tax-exempt status, IRS correspondence, audits


Corporate Records



Annual Reports



Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws



Board of Trustees and Board Committee policies, resolutions, minutes



Construction drawings and plans



Contracts, after performance or termination

10 years


Fixed assets





Development and Alumni Records



Alumni records






Gift and trust agreements and related correspondence





Employment and Benefits Records



Accident and Worker’s Compensation

5 years


Affirmative Action plan documents and reports



Employment applications

3 years


Employment and separation agreements



Grievances and complaints

7 years if finding of no cause; all others, permanent


Immigration records (e.g., I-9 forms)

3 years after separation


Insurance and benefit plans

7 years


Occupational injury or illness

5 years after separation


Payroll registers, payroll tax returns



Personnel files

10 years after separation


Evaluation, promotion, discipline, and discharge

10 years after separation


Retirement and pension plan documentation



Search committee records

5 years


Earnings, withholding, and deductions

7 years; year-end records (e.g., W-2, 1099), permanent


Tenure and promotion of faculty



Time cards

7 years


Union contracts



Unemployment taxes





Legal, Intellectual Property, Risk Management, and Safety Records


Conflict of interest (trustees, officers, senior administrators)



Contracts, after performance, termination, or expiration

10 years


Accidents, crimes, and emergencies

7 years


Environmental and hazardous materials reports, studies, and remediation



Insurance policies



Litigation judgments, settlement agreements, and consent decrees



Leases, after expiration or termination

6 years


OSHA documents

5 years


Patent, copyright, and trademark applications, maintenance costs, and royalty records



Permits, approvals, and licenses

7 years after expiration


Real estate and fixed asset records





Publications, Libraries, and Archives


Awards and published book editing files



Editing files for rejected books, marketing files, production documents, and advisory board records

7 years


Journal editorial records, advertising records, circulation files

5 years


Publication agreements and permissions to reproduce





Museums and Galleries



Accession, acquisition, appraisal records, inventories, exhibit records, insurance records, and administrative reports



Loan records

10 years after return




Research Records



Grant and contract applications for sponsored research

7 years after completion of research


Human subject and animal research



Research logs and data

7 years after completion of research




Student Records



Admissions applications

5 years from graduation or date of last attendance, 2 years if not enrolled


Academic records (transcripts are permanent)

5 years


Career advising

3 years


Discipline records

5 years from last incident, permanent if involves suspension or expulsion


Student affairs, extracurricular activities and athletics

6 years


Housing records

5 years after graduation or last attendance


Financial aid, student loan, and scholarship records

4 years after later of graduation or payoff


Disability accommodation records

7 years


Tuition and expense payment records

8 years