610 – Firearms and Other Lethal Weapons
Subject: Firearms and Other Lethal Weapons
Section: U610
Date: January 5, 2015
To express the University’s commitment to providing a safe and secure learning, working and living environment.
To express the University’s commitment to providing a safe and secure learning, working and living environment. Subject to the exceptions in Section III, the University prohibits the possession, use or storage of firearms, other lethal weapons, fireworks, and other dangerous objects or materials by anyone: (i) on any property owned, leased or controlled by the University, including but not limited to all buildings, land, parking areas, sidewalks and common areas; (ii) in any vehicle, owned, leased or controlled by the University regardless of location; (iii) at any external, University-sponsored activities or events; and (iv) employed by the University when conducting University business anywhere.
Firearm means any device, regardless of its name, that is designed to expel a projectile by the action of an explosion, expansion of gas or escape of gas; any imitation or replica firearm; and any firearm that has been rendered inoperative.
Other lethal weapons consist of instruments, material or devices that ordinarily could result in or are readily capable of causing serious bodily injury or death, including replicas of the same. These include but are not limited to ammunition, gunpowder, BB guns, pellet guns, paint guns, stun guns, flare guns, blow guns, clubs, slingshots, blackjacks, swords, sabers, daggers, machetes, hatchets, crossbows, nunchucks, throwing stars, batons, billy clubs, and knives except those used as common eating utensils and personal use knives with folding blades four inches or less.*
Fireworks include but are not limited to firecrackers, rockets, roman candles, cherry bombs, toy cannons and toy guns in which explosive materials are used, fire balloons, or other devices containing any combustible or explosive substance used to propel another object.
Other dangerous objects or materials means any object or material designed to inflict injury or death, including items that pose a potential hazard to the safety or health of others, and unauthorized hazardous materials or chemicals.
* Many common objects and materials may be used or modified for use as a weapon. In deciding whether such an object or material is a weapon under this policy, the University will use reasoned judgment when considering, among other factors, the time, place and circumstances surrounding the use and possession of the common object or tool, including the explanation for its possession or use and whether it has been modified or altered to make it more effective as a weapon.
A. Law Enforcement. This policy permits the possession, use and storage of firearms and other lethal weapons by sworn law enforcement personnel, authorized security officers and armed guards possessing, using and storing such devices as required by their job.
B. University Work. This policy permits lawful possession, use and storage of knives, other lethal weapons, and dangerous objects or materials within the scope of a person’s employment by the University or work as a University contractor. For example, this policy does not prohibit the authorized possession, use and storage of radioactive materials in connection with laboratory research, or knives and other lethal weapons in connection with food preparation or consumption, or saws or shearing devices by Facilities Services employees or contractors.
C. Sponsored Programs. This policy permits the lawful possession, use and storage of other lethal weapons in connection with regularly scheduled and University-authorized educational, recreational or training programs, where the weapon is required for or is a central part of the curriculum or activity (e.g., the use of foils in fencing classes).
D. Ceremonies, Parades and Performances. This policy permits the lawful possession, use and storage of imitation firearms or lethal weapons by participants in any University-sponsored ceremony, parade or theatrical performance, provided that an academic appointee or staff employee has expressly agreed to supervise their use as part of his or her regular job responsibilities and advance written approval has been obtained from the Associate Vice President/Chief of Police (or his/her designee). NOTE: imitation firearms and lethal weapons should only be possessed, used and stored in settings where it is unlikely that their purpose would be misunderstood; also, easily identifiable toys, such as brightly colored or clear water guns, are excepted from this policy.
E. Parking Lots and Non-University Vehicles. This policy permits a person carrying a validly licensed concealed firearm under Illinois law to park a non-University owned or controlled vehicle he or she is driving or in which he or she is a passenger in any University owned, leased or occupied parking area or lot, but only if the firearm and any associated ammunition are maintained, at all times, in a case within the locked vehicle or in a locked container out of plain view and within the vehicle. A “case” includes a glove compartment or console that completely encloses the firearm and ammunition, the trunk of the vehicle, or a firearm-carrying box, shipping box, or other container. Also, the person may carry the concealed firearm in the immediate area surrounding the vehicle within the parking lot, but only for the limited purpose of storing or retrieving it from the trunk and only if the person unloads the firearm before exiting the vehicle. The University retains the authority to designate certain University owned, leased or occupied parking areas or lots as restricted areas in which all vehicles containing firearms are prohibited. In those instances, the University will post signage indicating the prohibition.
F. At Home. Nothing in this policy prohibits a University employee who is conducting University business while at home (other than in University housing) from possessing or storing firearms, other lethal weapons, fireworks, and other dangerous objects or materials. Nothing in this policy prohibits possession of knives in University housing for common eating utensils and food preparation purposes.
G. Special Exceptions. In addition, the University’s Chief of Police (or his/her designee) is authorized to grant additional exceptions either in connection with extraordinary emergency situations or in response to written requests and as follows. Written requests must be made at least 10 days in advance of the date on which possession, use or storage of the prohibited item is proposed. Using reasoned judgment, the Chief of Police will consider each request based on the circumstances associated with the request. The Chief of Police will issue his or her determination and any associated restrictions or conditions in writing.
Any student or group that violates this policy will be subject to discipline under the Housing Disciplinary System and/or an Area Disciplinary System. Contractors who violate this policy will be subject to contract termination. Staff employees, academic appointees, visiting academics, post-doctoral researchers, employees of affiliates and volunteers who violate this policy will be subject to discipline using the disciplinary processes applicable to each category. Employees of affiliates, volunteers, visitors or guests who violate this policy will be subject to the University’s Ban Policy. Discipline includes removal from the Housing System, suspension, expulsion, termination of employment or appointment, revocation of volunteer status, and a ban from accessing University property. In addition, because conduct that violates this policy may also constitute a crime, the University may refer any violation of this policy to law enforcement officials and thus persons who violate this policy may be arrested and prosecuted.
Any person with knowledge of a policy violation is expected to communicate promptly with the University of Chicago Police Department, the Office of the Vice President of Campus Life and Student Services, the Office of the Provost, or Human Resources. Reports also may be made using the University’s whistleblower hotline (800-971-4317).